The Jolly Duke Tavern is a small collection of talented people that several times a year make medieval food and drink for SCA events; and sometimes weddings, parties, anything that are friends are doing. All brewing we do is homebrewing and thus is always given any for free.
Baron Drake Morgan, OL (Craig Jones) is currently the 4th Baron of St Florian de la Riviere and has a strong interest in Historical Brewing (specializing in Elizabethan England) of all types and Historical Cooking (specializing in 14thC Central and far Asian Cookery) Duke Alaric of Bangor, KSCA, OL (Stephen Parsons) is the other half of the Jolly Duke Tavern and has a strong interest in Historical Brewing (specializing in Elizabethan England) of all types and Historical Cooking (specializing in Roman Cookery) We also have a dedicated team that help us setup, pack down, and serve. Please note that the authors retain copyright on their original material but that permission to copy and print are granted on the condition that proper credit is given to the authors/editors. Likewise, permission is granted for use of the recipes in this website with proper credit given — in both practical and written works — as long as they are not being sold or profit being made from their use. To reproduce any material contained within or the original intellectual property within for a profit or sale, permission must be gained from the authors. |